Fortune's Children by Bruce Weber for Vanity Fair

May 22, 2009

Fortune's Children by Bruce Weber for Vanity Fair

ARMIE HAMMER Born: August 28, 1986, in Los Angeles. Residence: Los Angeles. Heritage: Great-grandfather was Dr. Armand Hammer, the controversial Occidental Petroleum tycoon, who also founded the United World College-U.S.A. and the Armand Hammer Museum of Art in L.A. Education: “I tried college at U.C.L.A. I gave it a fighting effort and I just couldn’t do it.” Occupation: Actor—currently appearing on Gossip Girl; rumored to be in the running for the part of Batman in the forthcoming Justice League: Mortal. Cause: The Dream Center. Can be found at: Brentwood Country Mart in Santa Monica. Quote: “I wanted to act when I was 11. I saw the movie Home Alone and that night I had a dream I was the kid in the movie.” Photographed in Montauk, New York.

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